Feedback from “Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales”
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Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales - 5 Best Digital Strategies with Matt Stelter

Testimonial for “Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales”

Testimonial for “Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales” Breeder Masterclass

Below is a personal testimonial we received after the Spring 2023 “Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales” breeder masterclass:

Recession Proof Cover Slide - Spring

From: <e———>
Date: Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 9:02 AM
Subject: for Matt, feedback on marketing webinar
To: <[email protected]>

Hello Matt,

I recently watched your webinar “Recession-Proof Your Puppy Sales!”

Wanted to let you know how fantastic and spot on I think it is.

I owned a catalog company in the early 90’s, which was the dawn of direct marketing. Currently, I am the CFO for a tech company and we are currently raising money via an SEC Reg CF offering. This is known as “crowdfunding,” and it takes direct marketing to a new level, encompassing all the best digital practices along with SEC compliance. My company uses the services of one of the top-tier digital marketing companies in this area. Your webinar gives breeders all the fundamentals that companies like mine pay professional marketing folks top dollar to implement!  Well done!

Of course, I also looked at Wyndlair Collies website and FB and checked out your mobile optimization – pretty spectacular!

Thank you for offering this opportunity!


Ericka Wojack

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