ShareGCHB Mountain Star Mavericks Aces High MH
(Masterboy Shadow Dog PKR VII-13131 (09-16) POL × GCH Mountain Star Aoifa Madeleine Rose SH SR73014207)
Trooper is the fifth Irish Red and White Setter in US breed history to earn an AKC Master Hunter title. He is the epitome of a versitile hunting dog, displaying enthusiasm for waterwork, and a tenacity on retrieves regardless of the quality of gunning. He has run sufficent for horseback field trails, but always checks back to his handler. He is an on/off dog, happy to be quiet at home, but ready to go at a word. He is gentle with cats, small dogs, and children. In the ring he has been lightly shown, mostly by his novice handler owner.
Irish Red and White Setter
Date of Birth
May 12, 2016
White, Red Patched
Negotiable to the right female.
Chilled Semen Available
Frozen Semen Available
ShareVon Willebrands
Advanced Cardiac
Masterboy Shadow Dog PKR VII-13131 (09-16) POL
GCH Mountain Star Aoifa Madeleine Rose SH SR73014207
Ch Leo Bojandoli CKSP RWS/137/06
Aaliyah Aristokrat PKR VII-10827
Jnr.Euro.CH United Spots Just Be ENCI 99/4493
Iris Bohemia Thalset CKSP RWS57/04
Cevin vom Duvenseer Moor VDH 4/05
Pol. CH Hammonia's Enyah. OHZB88
Ruemadra Snow King
Autumnwood Silver Rose
Exclusive's Vincenz
Czek.Rep.Ch. Vanesa-Rysi Wykrot
Exclusive's All For Me
Ger. CH Bonny vom Duvenseer Moor
Cormallen Seen The Light
Hammonia's BryonyGCH Mountain Star Aoifa Madeleine Rose SH SR73014207
GCH Rossmore Ruanard JH SR32397301
GCH Blue Chip Roisin at Mountain Star SR57258705
Rossmore Oisin FCA14
Ir.Sh.Ch.& Arg.Ch. Caispern Snow Marten At Ardbraccan
Craigrua Riley of Blue Chip SR11181001
Craigrua Robin of Bluechip SR11180901
Sheebhin Espaig
Dairerose Crystal Clear
SH CH Drumgarron Jewelled Crown Of Castlefenny
Ir. CH Ardbraccan Dailtin Dilis
FTCH Craigrua Aran
Lovely Madam
Craigrua Rascal
Kilteel Holly