CH Tapestry Black Gold
Collie (Rough)
(Tapestry Basil Hayden × CH Tapestry Special Blessing )
Region: Iowa

CH Ceilidh’s Heart And Soul
Collie (Rough)
(GCH Ceilidh's Celtic Legend × GCHB Ceilidh's No Bounds ROM)
Region: Tennessee

NBISS MBISS GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights, ROM
Collie (Rough)
(CH Southland's Bowen Island, ROM × CH Aurealis Rumor Has It, ROM)
Region: Washington

MBISS GCHS Aurealis Play For Keeps
Collie (Rough)
(GCHS Aurealis Coldplay, ROM × GCHB Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Region: Washington

CH Aurealis Constellation
Collie (Rough)
(GCHB Aurealis Zandria's Winning Colors × CH Aurealis Incandescence, ROM)
Region: Washington

Ch. Milas Sly Stranger RA FDC CGC TKI ATT
Collie (Rough)
(Ch. Milas Walk the Line, ROM × Ch. Milas Cando Perfect Pitch, ROM)
Region: New York

Ch. Aryggeth’s Limerick Flyby Night
Collie (Rough)
(CH Westwood Flyby × CH Limerick's Celtic Connection)
Region: Ohio

Ch. Chatham’s Chicago Gangster
Collie (Rough)
(GCH Southland's Aurealis Island Nights ROM × Chatham's Shadows On Snow ROM)
Region: Illinois

CH Kaslynkay’s Supernatural
Collie (Rough)
(MBISS GCHG Southland Aurealis Island Nights ROM (BOB CCA 2023) × Kaslynkay's Silver Web)
Region: California

Ch. Heather Hill’s Shiny Piece Of Coal
Collie (Rough)
(Ch. Thistle Down'N'Heather Hill's In The Shadows × Crystal Hill's Heaven Can Wait)
Region: Michigan

Can. CH Omega’s High Class
Collie (Rough)
(Am CH Overland Special Request × Can CH Omega's Blue Wave)
Region: Quebec

Ch. Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic, ROM
Collie (Rough)
(GCHB. Wyndlair Point Given × Tavern Hill It’s All About Me)
Region: New Jersey

CH Creekwood Rosebank By Invitation Only
Collie (Rough)
(Aurealis Creekwood Pleasant Acre Triumphant × CH Creekwood Rosebank Sealed with a Kiss)
Region: New Jersey

Ch. Milas Rosewood’s Walk Don’t Run
Collie (Rough)
(CH Milas Walk The Line × Milas Cando Perfect Pitch )
Region: Virginia

AM CH Can GCH Kaymann’s The Elite of Sealore
Collie (Rough)
(GCHB Sealore’s A List CCA BOB 2016 × AM GCH Can GCH Kaymann’s Madame Hydra CGN)
Region: Ontario

Ch Fantasys Heir Of The Dragon
Collie (Rough)
(Ch Fantasy's Finding Fame ROM × Fantasys My Kinda Party)
Region: Indiana

BIS MBISS GChB Moxie’s RockNRolla
Collie (Rough)
(Ch Moxie's Law Of The Jungle RN IT TKA CGC × Belfair A Ginger Sunrise)
Region: Washington

GCH Star Country Feel’s Like A Party
Collie (Rough)
(Ch Star Country Indicator × Ch Star Country Stoneridge Silver Lining)
Region: Kentucky

Ch. Limerick’s Celtic Commander
Collie (Rough)
(Ch. Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic, ROM × GCh. West Point Army Brat)
Region: New Jersey

GCH. Valley Park Allegation
Collie (Rough)
(GCH Sollis Valley Park Allegiant × CH. Sassy's Drama Queen)
Region: Iowa

MBISS GCH CH Maverick Diablo
Collie (Rough)
(GCH CH Maverick Lariat × GCH CH Maverick Painted Lady)
Region: Texas

BISS GCH Valley Park Barnstormer
Collie (Rough)
(GCH Sollis Valley Park Allegiant × Valley Park Miss Independence )
Region: Iowa

Ch. Limericks Celtic Encore
Collie (Rough)
(Ch. Tavern Hill Limericks Celtic Classic × GCHB. Maverick Fanfare)
Region: New Jersey

Ch. Thorndale Point Determined
Collie (Rough)
(GCHB. Wyndlair Point Given × Thorndale Euphoria)
Region: Wisconsin

CH. Avondale Secret Rendezvous
Collie (Rough)
(CH Southland Avondale Island Memories × Caublestone Avondale XOXO)
Region: Georgia

BISS GCH. Avondale’s All In
Collie (Rough)
(CH Southland Avondale Island Memories × CH Blu Ridge Rumline)
Region: Georgia

CH. Southland Avondale Island Memories
Collie (Rough)
(CH Southland's Bowen Island ROM × CH Aurealis Rumor Has It ROM)
Region: Georgia

MBISS GCH CH Maverick Folklore
Collie (Rough)
(CH Tavern Hill Limerick Celtic Classic × Maverick Petticoat)
Region: Texas

Ch. Chatham’s Double Exposure
Collie (Rough)
(Ch Larkspur Thanks For The Memories ROM × Chatham's Shadows On Snow )
Region: Illinois

Ch. Wyndlair Resurgence
Collie (Rough)
(GCHB. Aurealis Coldplay, ROM × GCHB. Wyndlair Classique Incandescent, ROM)
Region: Wisconsin

Ch. Wyndlair Cherokee Exclamation
Collie (Rough)
(Ch. Classique Midnight Vision × Ch. Wyndlair Rachel Alexandra)
Region: Illinois

CH. Decor’s Ticket To Ride
Collie (Rough)
(CH Heather Hill's Shiny Piece Of Coal × CH Decor's Black Label)
Region: Michigan