Kyrie Shetland Sheepdogs
Shetland Sheepdog, Iowa
I breed and show Shetland Sheepdogs since 1985. I am a long term preservation breeder and my purpose is to produce exceptional quality dogs bred to the AKC standard. All of my dogs are health tested with all currently available tests. I show primarily in AKC conformation, but I have placed many puppies in performance homes where they have excelled in multiple disciplines. Having happy, outgoing dogs is extremely important as even though I breed for conformation and performance, most of my puppies go to companion homes. Several of my puppies have gone on to be therapy dogs and trained service (diabetic alert) dogs.
- American Shetland Sheepdog Association (former board member)
- Greater Kansas City SSC (current vice president)
- Lochland Shetland Sheepdog Club
- Breed Preservation
- Breed Advancement
- Competition
- Performance
- Conformation
National Specialty Wins
- 2022 ASSA Winners Bitch/Best of Winners
Best in Show Wins
- Several NOHS BIS and RBIS
AKC/CKC Performance Titles
- MBISS GCH OceanMyst N Kyrie Journey Into Mystery RN CGC
- Ch Kyrie Skyrunner The Starry Night RN CGC
BBI Certified
Certification #11017 Certified on January 29, 2025