Julie Hinrichsen & Russell Dyke
We are preservation breeders, dedicated to preserving purebred collies through purpose breeding of healthy dogs with predictable characteristics, intellect, and disposition. Our breeding program emphasizes health, temperament, and elegance verified with DNA, optical testing, and very selective breeding. We are devoted to sustaining the purposely bred purebred collie as defined by the Collie Club of America Standards and Ethics. We believe this allows us to produce a healthy, sustainable breed that will stand the test of time.
Our puppies are born and raised in our home under our constant watchful eyes. This allows us to properly evaluate the temperament, vitality, and eventually structure in order to insure proper placement with each future home. We require a completed collie request application in order to be considered for one of our collies. This can be found on our Request page. We are very selective for any future home for a collie as each is considered an active living member of our family. We require an interview, either over the phone or in person, accompanied by verified references to insure the collie is given a home where the collie and the new family both blend comfortably.
We are members in good standing with the Collie Club of America and members of the Collie Health Foundation. Russell has served as the President and currently serving as Treasurer of the Kansas City Collie Club. We started in collies beginning in 2000. We have produced multiple champions, owner handled our own breeding to multiple Best in Specialty Shows. We have also worked with Texas A&M University to provide them with Reveille VIII and Reveille X.
- Collie Club of America
- Kansas City Collie Club
- Collie Health Foundation
- Breed Preservation
- Breed Advancement
- Competition
- Conformation
- Herding
- Agility