J Bar Papillons | New Mexico Papillon Breeder
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J Bar Papillons

Papillon, New Mexico

I am a Hobby Show Breeder and AKC Breeder of Merit of Quality Papillons.  Quality is my passion: Health, Temperament and Structure, which is the difference between well bred and merely pure bred, going well beyond the basic requirements for being considered “reputable” by also testing my breeding stock in show show ring to insure the puppies I produce mature to look like a papillon is supposed to.  You can’t be truly passionate about Papillons if the poor quality produced by backyard breeders that don’t show is sufficient.

Show breeders produce our own show dogs, so there’s not much of a market for selling to show homes.  Therefore, 99% of our puppies go to pet homes and often for the same price   The backyard breeders whose merely do health testing (if that) sell their poor quality pups for.

I don’t keep a formal waiting list.  When I have a pup become available, I pick the most suitable homes from the emails I received in the previous four weeks.  I ask people just to keep in touch monthly to let me know they’re still interested, and that will put them in the pool of emails I will consider.

I don’t take phone calls because I require everything in writing so when someone forgets what was said, or remembers it wrong, we can look back and remind ourselves. We cannot do that Wik phone conversations.  Additionally, phone calls are now scammers make you feel comfortable in sending them your money.  They know just what to say to convince you they are legit. Then you have no record of their ISP or server the authorities can use to track them down.

I also don’t take deposits.  With all the scams out there now, I want to help my clients feels safe by not requiring them to give me money before they have met their puppy.  Just come meet your puppy and pay in cash instead.

Not everyone is a suitable home for every puppy.  I pick people with a home and lifestyle that is most suitable for the individual puppy.  Quiet homes for calmer puppies and active homes for more active puppies.   So in order to be considered, please send me a summary about your family, your lifestyle and your other dogs to help me decide if you are the best home for one of my puppies.



  • Papillons Club of America
  • Rio Pecos Kennel Club


  • Breed Preservation
  • Breed Advancement
  • Competition
  • Performance


  • Conformation

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