Birch Spring Brittanys
Brittany, New Hampshire
We have been breeding Brittanys for over 30 years. Our dogs are bred to be a hunting companion. We compete our dogs in Conformation Show, Field Trial, Hunt Test, and NAVHDA. When breeding we keep the dual concept (Field & Show) in mind. Our females are typically 30lbs and the males are 40lbs. We health test all our breeding stock and earn titles on them before breeding them.
- American Brittany Club, NAVHDA International
- Northern New England Brittany Club - Secretary
- Breed Preservation
- Breed Advancement
- Competition
- Performance
- Conformation
- Field Trials
- Other
- AKC Hunt Tests and NAVHDA
Our puppies are well socialized and within the Brittany Standard. We strive for strong pointing and retrieving instincts. Our goal is a couch potato dog that is a hunting machine. We offer free training for our puppy people.
Birch Spring Brittanys
Philip Thayer
North Hampton, New Hampshire