Bristol Retrievers
Flat Coated Retriever, California
I have been involved with Flatcoated Retrievers since I fell in love with them in 1990. My first dog was Tucker and he was an amazing dog! I never expected to go as far with him as I did! I then had two English imports – Shargleam Sea Spray and Shargleam Penny Royal. They gave me my first pups. I went another direction and imported Chase, Twilightstar’s American Hero and Almanza Hell Breaks Loose from Angela Lemberger in Switzerland. Huntlover’s Jumping Star to Bristol and Huntlover’s Readymade from Denmark also were co-owned by me. Now we are in a new phase with dogs going back to fine English and Swedish lines. Please take a moment to peek at my precious pups! Thank you for visiting!
- Great Western Flatcoated Retriever Club
- Conejo Kennel Club
- Breed Preservation
- Breed Advancement
- Competition
- Performance
- Conformation
- Agility
- Obedience
- Rally
- Barn Hunt
- Scent Work
- Dock Diving